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Balance body mind emotions

To expand physical and expressive potential

Do not hide your talents, they are made to be used.

Body mind emotions: an interdependence to live fully

We are made to move and interact freely with our surroundings. And we are made of body mind and emotions that are in a constant search for balance so that we can fully express our potential and our talents.

When we neglect one or more of these parts, our whole system works badly. As a result, we have physical pain, we are mentally and emotionally blocked. We also have difficulty expressing ourselves, creating healthy relationships and living life to the fullest.

Balance body mind emotions to expand physical and creative potential

This workshop will bring awareness to our physical abilities, our mental patterns and our emotional blocks. Through an experiential path made of guided and free movement, music, expression and sharing we will learn to look within ourselves.

Only by moving mindfully, we have full control of our movements and our thoughts in order to live fully our emotions!

Nobody is free if he does not master himself.

– Epictetus –

There is no division between our physical and our psychic world. No internal and external. There is no “sensation” to which an external “thing”, different from that sensation, corrisponds. The world of senses belongs in equal measures to the psychic and physical domain.

– Ernst Mach –


Day 1:
11:00 – 13:30:

Functional SATI Dynamic:
Insights and practice of functional exercises that flow in order to explore our physical abilities, to define our limits so as to expand them. Our body must be functional if we want to have mental and emotional efficiency.

15:00 – 18:00:

SATI Dynamic Bioenergy e Chakra Meditation
An experential journey through all levels of consciousness. We actively get in touch with our body, we feel our vital energy that determines all our functions and skills. We learn to see the interdependence between thoughts, emotions, energy, physical and expressive abilities.

11:00 – 13:30:

SATI Dynamic Balance:
We learn to balance our physical and emotional abilities, our strength and flexibility, our lightness and heaviness, our movement and stillness. By observing stillness in movement and movement in stillness, we can establish the balance between our inner and outer world.

15:00 – 18:00:

SATI Dynamic Meditation e Guided Relaxation:
We are in touch with our skills and limits. We learn to move with awareness. Therefore, we have full control of our being and we are responsible for our transformation. We are present in ourselves, our every gesture becomes a moving meditation!

Equilibrio corpo mente emozioni: balance body mind emotions
Three things to be happy: a healthy body, a free mind and a pure heart.