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Sati Dynamic Balance

Balance depends more on our ability to recover it when it is lost, rather than on our ability not to lose it.

Use SATI Dynamic Balance to explore the balance between your physical abilities, between strength and flexibility, heaviness and lightness, movement and stillness!

Allenamento equilibrio: SATI Dynamic balance training

SATI Dynamic Balance uses sequences strictly designed to explore the balance among our physical skills. Specific exercises optimize muscle balance by equilizing effort between agonist and antagonist muscles. Therefore, there is no predominance of tone of a particular muscular group. The joints are functioning properly and the overall posture is indirectly reinforced.

The method offers workouts of different intensities to develop harmony between strength and flexibility, heaviness and lightness, movement and stillness. Most noteworthy, it uses techniques to investigate and define balance among our emotional, spiritual and relational qualities.

By bringing attention to our lack of balance, we have the possibility to restore it.


Only when we learn how to observe the connection between our inner and outer world, we can become aware of our actual state. When we become aware, we find out what our limits are. By knowing our limits, we have the chance to overcome them. And only when we actively experience our potential, we can finally express it!

Search stillness in movement to fix the balance between your inner and outer world!
We can balance our mind by working the left and right brain regularly. We can balance our body by stretching and strengthening targeted muscle groups. And we can balance our soul by taking time to be both meditative and playful. There is a middle way for almost every aspect of our life. Let's explore it!